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All about a Virus.

Writer's picture: Jennifer SoperJennifer Soper

Don't let mass hysteria about the latest new virus scare your potential travel plans! The best way to combat a virus is with information from a reliable source. This morning I took the time to visit both the World Health Organization and CDC official websites to learn about this new virus and how it could affect travel plans. Most major airlines have temporarily stopped flights to China, the origination of the Coronavirus. This is a new virus for humans, in the past it was something only found in animals. It was discovered in a heavily populated area and it spreads fast. It isn't unlike the vast array of other viruses we fight on a seasonal basis, the hysteria will pass. In the mean time, familiarize yourself with the virus and how to take care of yourself.

As with any virus, if you are sick STAY HOME!! If you are taking care of someone who is sick, wash your hands!! If you think you might be coming down with something, stay home!! If you aren't taking care of someone sick, WASH YOUR HANDS anyway!!

The best way to avoid contracting a virus, and spreading a virus is with good old fashioned hand washing. This is good advice for all travelers, even when not faced with a spreading, new virus. The best $1 you'll ever spend is on this. I don't travel anywhere without at least one pack. I haven't read anywhere that the corona-virus is immune to the 99.99% of viruses that get killed by a simple Clorox cleaning wipe, so do yourself a favor and never leave home without a pack. Keep a spare in the glove box, and your checked luggage! Use one when you get on the plane to clean your tray table and arm rests. Rarely are the tray tables on planes ever wiped off. If I have a window seat I always wipe down the window as well. My second favorite product I never leave home without, is this. So far you've spent $1.65 (without tax) on two products that are a necessity in the war against home and away.

If you are traveling in the next few months, I would suggest a slight upgrade in your fight against all things virus related. I found this handy Germ Freak kit online and it looks really spectacular! I like that it includes a couple of disposable masks as well as other simple, yet appropriate germ fighting items. I keep a disposable face mask in my bag in case I pick up the sniffles while traveling.

In addition to several airline carriers suspending flights, cruise ships are also taking major precautions. Read about Royal Caribbean's policy here, and try not to fret. Cruising is a very safe way to travel, even now. Modern fleets pay close attention to cleanliness even when there isn't a chance of a fast spreading new virus floating around. In an attempt to stop the spreading virus these safety measures will be in place for the foreseeable future. If you are booked on a cruise, flight or other vacation plans in China, Hong Kong or Macau area please let me know if you need some assistance. This is another reason why booking your travel plans with a travel agent comes in handy...when you have issues, we are in your corner to help you!

Stay safe, my friends! With a few small & inexpensive travel essentials we can all stay healthy as we travel and kick these germs to the curb!


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