Beach vacations aren't my favorite. I'm not sure why because I'm a huge fan of relaxing! But lately, I have been craving my toes in the sand. The way my hair looks after a dip in the salty ocean. The way a cold drink tastes extra good when you're laying in the hot sand. The kids making castles and moats that lead to the rushing waves. Just all of it.
One of the best parts of my job is jumping on a plane and taking a wild adventure so I can come home and help all of you plan a similar adventure. Typically, I spend the month of June doing some sort of wacky adventure somewhere in the world...this year I opted for a good old fashioned family road trip! I will be blogging about our most recent family road trip, as well as several others we've done over the years! If there is a destination you'd like to visit in the US this summer, please let me know. While traveling is still able to happen, there are precautions we all need to take to make sure we all stay safe along the way. Not all destinations are allowing full capacity visitors, and most destinations have rules in place to make things safe. Let's talk about it. Here are the current guidelines for USA Travel
In my professional opinion, we are going to have to switch up our vacation plans for now. I'm not comfortable giving the advice that it is safe and ok to travel. This is the official news release from the European Union yesterday about their plans to reopen Europe for visitors. You'll notice missing from the list is the United States. This was a personal crushing blow as travel and tourism are how I pay my bills, but specifically European travel and tourism. I love Europe. Yesterday's news wasn't surprising to me, but it still caused a few teary eyes.

I was so excited to drive one of the Frenchiest of cars along the Normandy coast a couple years ago. This year, no European adventures for me :(
Emotional outburst aside, there are some amazing K-Mart style blue light specials going on in the travel world! This might be the time to capitalize on a tourism market desperate for your attention in 2021. Dust off that bucket list and let's find a destination or experience you have always wanted to do, but never thought you could afford. Let's see if some pre-planning, deposits, and affordable monthly payments can make things happen!